About Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

Press Release

From: Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska, Box 241, Hyannis, NE 69350

Media Contact: President David Wright: 402-929-0339, ICON Director Chris Abbott: 308-0282-2826, Communications Director Linda Wuebben: 402-357-3778

For Immediate Release: October 1, 2013

ICON Announces 2013 Annual Convention

Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON) are making plans for the eighth annual convention. ICON will be hosting their annual gathering in O’Neill, Nebraska, on Saturday, November 9, at the O’Neill Community Center.

The day will start with registration at 8 a.m., and the ever-popular Senator Panel will begin at 9 a.m. Senator Al Davis, ICON director, will be joining Senators Mark Christensen, Jerry Johnson, and Ken Schilz for the ICON panel. The ICON membership is always intrigued by visiting with the Senators in a one-to-one situation.

The morning Senator Panel session will last until 11:45, when the ICON members will break for dinner. A catered noon luncheon will be served at the Community Center. The afternoon session includes a presentation by Sheriff Richard Mach from Arizona, who will talk about states’ rights, and a COOL discussion with Bill Bullard of R-CALF USA.

The ICON business meeting will be the last agenda item, during which resolutions will be discussed for the upcoming year. ICON will once again host a prime rib banquet followed by entertainment, which this year will feature hypnotist Rick Bultez. A Social Hour will precede the Prime Rib Evening Banquet and an auction for the Jim Hanna Memorial Scholarship. The evening entertainment will follow.

Pre-registration for the evening banquet is required for a meal count, so please send in those registration forms early. All members present are encouraged to participate in the silent auction so ICON can continue to support the Hanna Memorial Scholarship. A bidding auction will also be held to raise money for ICON expenses.

This past year, ICON has been deeply involved in the brand issue as a form of animal identification and disease traceability. It supports a bill which would make Nebraska a statewide brand state.

The day’s activities are open to the public with a paid convention registration of $50. The charge for the evening banquet is $25 and must be reserved before October 30. The hypnotist event is $10 at the door for non-convention participants. Everyone is welcome.

A block of rooms has been set aside for the next two weeks and can be reserved at the Super Eight in O’Neill by calling 1-888-946-3379. More convention information and registration forms will be available in the October issue of the Rancher’s Review and online at http://www.independentcattlemen.com or by calling Communications Director Linda Wuebben at 402-357-3778 or emailing [email protected].

Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."