Press Release
From: Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
For Immediate Release: October 1, 2010
Media Contact: ICON Executive Director Destry Brown: 308-458-2244, ICON President David Wright: 402-929-0339, Communications Director Linda Wuebben: 402-357-3778
Fifth Annual ICON Convention Announced
The Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON) have scheduled their Fifth Annual Convention on Saturday, Oct. 23, in North Platte, at the Quality Inn & Suites/Sandhills Convention Center. This year’s theme will be “Stewards of The Next Generation.”
ICON extends an invitation to you to attend and spend a day with fellow ranchers and farmers as we talk about the future of agriculture and livestock production in Nebraska. The registration table opens at 8:00 a.m. and all convention activities will take place in the Convention Center, including the noon luncheon, which is included in the convention registration fee. The evening banquet will also be held at the Convention Center, but there will be an additional fee for the prime rib meal.
The morning session includes a Nebraska State Senators' Panel. State Senators expected to attend are M.L. ‘Cap’ Dierks, Tom Hansen, LeRoy Louden, Mark Christensen, Ken Schilz, and Abbie Cornett. The afternoon session will include a presentation from UNL Extension Educator Scott Cotton, Mike Callicrate speaking for R-CALF USA and the Organization of Competitive Markets, and a representative of the US Cattlemen’s Association. A business meeting for all members who have paid their dues will precede a social hour and the evening banquet. To have a vote during the business meeting, ICON members must own cattle. The keynote speaker at this year’s banquet will be Linda Grosskopf, editor of the Western Ag Reporter and author of several ranching-related books.
Registration fees for this year’s ICON convention will be $50. If the 2011 yearly ICON dues of $50 are included with the registration, a discount of $10 can be taken off the convention fee. Additional guests accompanying a paid convention registration can register for $20. Evening banquet fees are extra for all registrations. Overnight accommodations can be reserved by calling the Convention Center at 1-800-760-3333 or 1-308-532-9090.
A silent auction will be conducted during the daylong event as an additional fundraiser for ICON and the Jim Hanna Memorial Scholarship.
It’s that time of year when ICON and its members want to talk about the future of cattlemen in Nebraska. The ICON Directors invite you to come and join the discussion.
For more information, contact Destry Brown, Executive Director of ICON at 308-458-2244, or Linda Wuebben, ICON Communications Director, at 402-357-3778. Email ICON at [email protected], or visit our website at
Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."