About Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

Press Release

From: Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

For Immediate Release: August 30, 2010

Media Contact: ICON Executive Director Destry Brown: 308-458-2244, ICON President David Wright: 402-929-0339, Communications Director Linda Wuebben: 402-357-3778

ICON Makes Strong Showing at DOJ/USDA Hearing

A chartered bus with 54 individuals returned early Saturday morning from the August 27th workshop hosted at Colorado State University in Fort Collins by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The purpose of the workshop was to hear from producers and rural Americans about the concentration and buying power of the packing industry in the livestock markets. The workshop was well attended, with over 1,500 people gathering to participate.

The agenda included opening statements from both Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Attorney General Eric Holder. Both men emphasized the historical significance of this event as the first time the two agencies have collaborated in this manner. They displayed a firm understanding of the challenges producers face and the importance of the livestock industry to America's prosperity and security.

After opening remarks, the agricultural leaders led a roundtable discussion with various state officials. The discussion focused on the alarming trend of family farms and ranches disappearing at an unprecedented rate. Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock delivered a key statement: "If the survival of the family farm and ranch is important, then we have to admit that what we are doing now is not working. If we cannot give the Packers and Stockyard Act teeth, we can at least give it a new set of dentures."

Additional panels throughout the day addressed producer issues, livestock industry trends, contracting, price transparency, market concentration, and structure. Independent producers were well-represented by speakers such as Dr. Taylor Haynes (rancher and R-CALF USA regional director), Allan Sents (feedlot owner and US Cattlemen's Association director), Gilles Stockton (rancher), and Dave Domina (lawyer and lead attorney in the Pickett vs. Tyson/IPB lawsuit). These speakers provided clear, constructive solutions to current challenges without dwelling on past policies.

As expected, much of the public testimony centered on the proposed GIPSA rules issued on June 22nd. While testimony varied—some opposed, some supported, and some addressed specific parts—the majority was educational and civil. Unfortunately, a minority resorted to baseless accusations, such as labeling J. Dudley Butler an "economic terrorist." Such incidents, however, were met with disapproval from the audience.

This was the fourth in a series of workshops, with the final one scheduled for December 8th in Washington, DC. The final workshop will address discrepancies between prices received by ranchers and those paid by consumers. ICON encourages everyone to listen to the workshop audio on the Department of Justice website ( www.justice.gov/atr/public/workshops/ag2010/index.htm#dates) when it becomes available and submit written comments on the issue and the proposed GIPSA rule changes by emailing [email protected].

ICON extends gratitude to the sponsors who provided the charter bus for producers to attend the workshop, including: Sandhills Equipment, Dennis Swanson (Bassett, NE), Joseph Angus (Roger Joseph, Winner, SD), O'Dea Livestock (John O'Dea, McCook, NE), Vitalix (Greg Olsen, Alliance, NE), Dyer Feed (Doug Dyer, Hyannis, NE), Hubbard Feed (Steve Holmes, Gering, NE), Pearson Livestock Equipment (Thedford, NE), David and Kristine Gale (Bassett, NE), and Carolyn Hall (Bassett, NE). Complimentary lunch was provided by Abbott's Sandhills Own (Chris Abbott Family, Gordon, NE), drinks by Pepsi of Alliance, NE, chips by Harris Sales (Alliance, NE), and refreshments by Mike Dietrich of Dietrich Distributing (Gering, NE).

ICON would also like to thank those who sacrificed time away from their ranches to attend the workshop. Your efforts were part of a historical moment, and we are optimistic about the future of production agriculture.

For more information about the workshop or to become a member of ICON, call Destry Brown, Executive Director, at 308-458-2244, or visit our website at www.independentcattlemen.com.

Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."