About Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

Press Release

From: Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

For Immediate Release: July 19, 2010

Media Contact: ICON Executive Director Destry Brown: 541-647-3594, ICON President David Wright: 402-929-0339, Communications Director Linda Wuebben: 402-357-3778

ICON Announces 5th Annual Convention

Hyannis, NE — If raising cattle in Nebraska and being your own boss are important to you, you might want to consider joining the Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON).

The ICON Board of Directors is planning the fifth annual ICON Convention, to be held on Saturday, October 23, 2010, at the Sandhills Convention Center in North Platte, NE. The morning session will feature a Nebraska State Senators' Panel, while the afternoon session will include timely speakers. The evening banquet will provide an opportunity to network with other ICON members. More information will be available soon.

Registration fees for this year's ICON convention will be $50. Members who pay their 2010 yearly ICON dues of $50 along with the registration can take a $10 discount off the registration fee. Additional guests accompanying a paid registration can register for $20. Evening banquet fees are extra for all attendees. Overnight accommodations can be booked by calling the Convention Center at 1-800-760-3333 or 1-308-532-9090.

This year, ICON Directors have been busy working closely with their lobbyist, Jim Pappas, and attending meetings in Lincoln. They also held a member meeting featuring Fred Stokes of the Organization of Competitive Markets and are organizing a bus tour for producers to attend the DOJ/USDA Workshop in Fort Collins, Colorado, on Friday, August 27, 2010.

ICON recognizes the importance of this workshop and the opportunity it presents for cattlemen to speak up. Each bus holds 56 passengers, and ICON requests advance reservations to determine the number and routes of buses. Buses will depart the night before the meeting. While ICON is seeking sponsors to cover bus costs, attendees will be responsible for their overnight stay and meals. The deadline for reserving a seat is August 6.

"Producers showing up in large numbers at the meeting will send a clear message to our government that there is a problem with current market practices and it needs to be fixed," said ICON Executive Director Destry Brown. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must make whatever sacrifices are necessary to attend this workshop, as the future of our industry depends on our participation."

To travel with other like-minded producers and make your voice heard, contact Destry Brown, Executive Director of ICON, at 308-458-2244 to reserve your seat. Further details will be provided once the buses are filled.

For more information, contact Communications Director Linda Wuebben at 402-357-3778 or via email at [email protected].

Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."