About Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

Press Release

From: Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

For Immediate Release: July 8, 2010

Media Contact: ICON Executive Director Destry Brown: 308-458-2244, ICON President David Wright: 402-929-0339, Communications Director Linda Wuebben: 402-357-3778

ICON Organizes Bus Trip to DOJ/USDA Workshop

Realizing the importance of this meeting and the tremendous opportunity it provides for cattlemen to speak up, the Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON) is organizing a charter bus to take producers to Fort Collins, Colorado, for the DOJ/USDA Workshop. This workshop aims to examine the market concentration and lack of competition in today's cattle industry.

Each chartered bus holds 56 passengers, and ICON requests advance reservations to determine the number and routes of buses. Buses will leave the night before the meeting. ICON is actively seeking sponsors to cover the cost of the buses, while producers will be responsible for their overnight stay and meals. The deadline to reserve a seat is August 6th.

"Producers showing up in large numbers at the meeting will send a clear message to our government to enforce the Packers and Stockyards Act as it was intended!" said ICON Executive Director Destry Brown.

If you are interested in traveling with other like-minded producers and making your voice heard, please contact Destry Brown, Executive Director of ICON, at 308-458-2244 to reserve your seat. Further details will be provided once the buses are filled.

Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."