Press Release
From: Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
Contact Person: ICON Director Chris Abbott, 308-282-2826
Date: February 22, 2009
ICON Organizes Informational Meeting on Wind Energy
(Hyannis) – The Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON) hosted an afternoon informational meeting on wind energy recently, which drew a sizeable crowd of over 60 attendees to learn about this important resource. A natural occurrence in the windy Sandhills has lately become a marketable source of energy.
"Making significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions while providing reliable and reasonably-priced electricity to meet a growing need will be one of the biggest, and perhaps most expensive, challenges the electric industry has ever faced," said John Richards of Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) during his slide presentation on potential wind development.
Richards emphasized that rising fuel costs, a growing demand for electricity, and future legislative or regulatory policies are three key factors impacting traditionally low electric rates.
"You currently pay less for electricity in Nebraska for several reasons, but one is because Nebraska is the only totally public power state in America," Richards explained. As a public power provider, NPPD’s loyalty is to their customers, not stockholders. Because decisions are made at the local level, costs for electric service are kept at the forefront. NPPD wants to ensure their customers have sufficient, reliable energy in the future.
However, Richards noted that several challenges could dramatically raise rates, which is why NPPD is currently exploring increased involvement in the wind power industry.
The American Wind Energy Association has listed Nebraska as 6th in the top twenty states for wind energy potential, highlighting the state’s promising future in renewable energy development.
Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."