FROM: INDEPENDENT CATTLEMEN OF NEBRASKA, Box 241, Hyannis, NE 69350 Phone: 308-282-2826
Contact: Terry Rothwell, ICON Communications Director, 308-458-2758 or [email protected]
December 2, 2006
Hyannis, NE – The Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON) and R-CALF USA will be co-hosting a number of informational fund-raisers across the state. All meetings are open to the public.
The scheduled events are:
***Thursday, December 7th: Alliance Country Club, 2472 County Rd, Alliance, Neb. Roast Beef Dinner and speakers at 6:00 PM MT
Chris Abbott, President of ICON, will be present along with Jim Hannah, ICON Director and R-CALF USA Committee Chair on this year's Beef Check-off Task Force meetings and John West, Southeastern Field Coordinator for R-CALF, who will update listeners on recent events in trade, legislation, and litigation.
***Friday, December 8th: Crawford, Neb. Rollover Auction at Crawford Livestock Auction, 2:00 PM MT
Supper meeting at the Ranch House in downtown Crawford at 6:00 PM MT
The steer calf for the rollover auction at the Crawford Livestock Auction has been donated by Rod & Laurie Gray, Gray Angus of Harrison, Neb., are donating a steer calf to sell at 2:00.
A supper meeting will be held at the Ranch House in downtown Crawford at 6:00 with Abbott, West, Hannah, and others on hand to speak and answer questions about recent events.
***December 11th, 12th & 13th will be the final meetings held in 2006. The hosting communities of Gordon, Rushville, and Martin, S.D. will wrap up the annual drive by both groups. Times and places will be announced.
Rollover calf sales are fund-raising events put on by R-CALF USA volunteers to raise money for the organization. Those who wish to support the efforts of R-CALF USA can bid on a calf, then donate the animal back so it can be auctioned off again and again, until bidding ceases. Contributors receive an R-CALF USA and ICON membership or renewal for donations over $100.
Activities carried out by R-CALF and ICON for the benefit of the cattle industry are funded exclusively by the independent cattle producers who pay their membership dues and by cattle producers, main-street businesses, and other individuals who participate in and contribute to fund-raising events.
R-CALF and State Affiliates work on various issues that affect independent U.S. cattle producers and rural America, such as National Animal ID, Country-of-Origin-Labeling, livestock price reporting, property rights and taxation, Check-off recommendations, various trade agreements, and animal health concerns.
The Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska is a non-profit group working to represent independent cattle producers, without the influence of other industry sectors, while securing a viable livelihood for present and future generations.
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."