FROM: INDEPENDENT CATTLEMEN OF NEBRASKA, Box 241, Hyannis, NE 69350 Phone: 308-282-2826
Media Contact: Mary Mulligan (402) 967-3464; Email: [email protected]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 20, 2006
Grand Island, NE - Governor Heineman and the Nebraska Dept. of Agriculture recently announced details of the Livestock Grant Assistance program during Husker Harvest Days.
ICON President, Chris Abbott, offered his gratitude for the drought assistance program. "We are hopeful there is more to come, but we see this as a positive first step. Cattle producers in western Nebraska are dealing with nearly 7 years of continuous drought conditions. Cowboys are always reluctant to ask for help, believing their neighbors need the help worse than they do, but with this summer's extreme temperatures, record low rainfall, and devastating wildfires, everyone can use all the help they can get."
Some of the programs details are still being worked out, but the announcement provided the following information:
- Nebraska will receive approximately $3.6 million.
- The sign-up period will begin Sept. 25th and continue until the cutoff date of Oct. 25th.
- The funds will be distributed in mid November.
- Producers must live in a county that has received a drought disaster designation.
- Only adult breeding cattle (cows and bulls) and exposed heifers will be covered.
- Producers will be required to complete a self certification program that details eligible cattle numbers, and documents livestock related expenses that occurred due to decreased forage production.
- Applications and details will NOT be provided directly to producers. You will be required to seek out the applications at one of the following locations:, FSA offices, Extension offices, or other sources, such as banks, feed stores, and agricultural organizations.
- Payments will be limited to actual expenditures and will not exceed $10,000 per producer. The payments are estimated to range from $2.00 to $3.25 per animal depending on the level of producer participation.
"ICON will continue to monitor the progress of the program and assist our members and other producers in completing the necessary paperwork so they can qualify for assistance", said Abbott. "We will be posting a link to the applications and the information on our web-site, as soon as it is available."
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."