About Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska


FROM: INDEPENDENT CATTLEMEN OF NEBRASKA, Box 241, Hyannis, NE 69350 Phone: 308-282-2826

Media Contact: Mary Mulligan (402) 967-3464; Email: [email protected]



Valentine, NE – Independent cattle producers from across the state gathered in Valentine last week to confirm the mission of Nebraska's newest cattle organization. ICON members heard presentations on subjects ranging from conservation easements, to international trade, to individual animal ID, and much more.

Al Davis, ICON treasurer, and his wife Dottie agreed that the convention was a great success. Davis said, "It was a landmark day for Nebraska's independent cattlemen. We were able to craft policies and develop positions that represent our needs and which will direct this organization as we work with state and federal governmental bodies."

The keynote address was delivered by David Domina, lead attorney in the Pickett v. Tyson IBP Federal lawsuit, which challenges meat packers' captive supply of cattle. Domina's speech reminded cattlemen that unfettered economic rights are the linchpin of all other freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. He urged the organization to focus on protecting these rights in order to be viable participants in policy-making on other issues.

Governor Dave Heineman addressed the crowd in a general session, pledging his continued support for the state's cattle industry. Ag Department Director, Greg Ibach, who was traveling with the Governor, outlined the need for a program to promote beef products derived from animals exclusively born, raised, and processed in Nebraska.

Other notable speakers included John VanSickle, Ag Economist with the University of Florida, and Jess Peterson, Director of R-CALF's Washington, DC office.

Third District congressional candidate, Scott Kleeb, and gubernatorial candidate, David Hahn, both spoke at the opening general session. They reiterated their support for ideas such as mandatory country of origin labeling, restricting the influence of global agribusiness, and furthering the cause of family farmers and ranchers.

ICON president, Chris Abbott presided over the annual membership meeting, where the association's by-laws as well as a wide array of policies were presented, discussed, and approved.

"It was a tremendous endorsement of the work the board has done over the last year to have so many people attend and participate in the annual meeting," Abbott said. "It renews our enthusiasm as we move forward. We now have a truly membership-driven set of policies to guide our future."

"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."

For more information on ICON or R-CALF USA, visit www.independentcattlemen.com or www.r-calfusa.com, or call (308) 282-2826.