About Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska



Contact: Chris Abbott, 308 282-2826

Copy by: Stephanie Trask, Phone: (308) 282-2826; Media Contact: Mary Mulligan, Phone: (402) 967-3464

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 23, 2005

Cattlemen's Groups Join Forces in Valentine

(Hyannis, Neb.) - In the most recent effort to involve the grassroots cattle producer, the Independent Cattlemen of NE jointly hosted a benefit auction and informational supper with the South Dakota Stockgrowers and R-CALF USA.

The event began with a rollover auction at Valentine Livestock. Kenny Fox of Belvidere, South Dakota gave a few words on why he and his wife, Roxie, believed the cause was worth donating their calf to. "We feel that the only representation we have as grassroots producers is through these organizations," said Fox. Donors took turns bidding until they had raised $7700 to benefit R-CALF and the two state affiliates.

Shortly after, over 70 people gathered at the Peppermill Steakhouse for a free supper and information session. Stockgrower's District 12 Director, Chris Harvey, lined up several local businesses who sponsored the meal. R-CALF CEO, Bill Bullard, addressed current industry issues while ICON president Chris Abbott and past SDSGA president Ken Knuppe discussed concerns on the state level.

Said ICON board member, Dave Wright, "We hosted the event to inform cattle producers of the truth and the misinformation that is being presented in the cattle industry."

Rollover Auction Donors: Rick VanderWey, AgWest Feeds/Vince Hulinsky, Rothleutner Family, Pass Ranch, Mathis Equipment, Larry O'Kief, Joe Mundorf, Louis Day, James Hanna, Open Box Bar Ranch, Arvin Schmidt, Sonny Hanna, Chris Harvey, Mike Arnold, Bill Ganser, Randy Peterson, Jerry Sharp, Ann Harvey, Joe and Mavis Fleming, Bank of the West, Gerald and Altha VanderWey, Mark Johnson, DBA/DMK Supply/Ray Keller, Bob Froneck

Steak Supper Sponsors: Valentine Livestock, Mathis Equipment, Bank of the West, O'Neill Cattle Co. (Cody, NE), Mid-West Fertilizer and Feed (Kilgore, NE), Young's Western Wear, Adamson's Studio, Stadium Sports (Martin, SD), Union Bank

"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."

For more information on R-CALF USA or ICON, visit www.r-calfusa.com or www.independentcattlemen.com or call (308) 282-2826.