About Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska

Letter to Nebraska Newspapers from Chris Abbott

Date: April 3, 2005

Dear Editor:

Why have Nebraska's Congressional representatives refused to sign the Resolution of Disapproval (HR 23) which keeps the Canadian border closed to live cattle?

Why aren't they working to secure mandatory Country of Origin Labeling? Why has the United States guaranteed that it won't export Canadian beef to Japan when it has blocked efforts to give American consumers that choice?

Why are Nebraska's representatives willing to risk the loss of consumer confidence by waiving the rules on BSE established in 1989 by World Health Officials? Do they realize that if the border opens under relaxed regulations, the U.S. would have the lowest health and safety standards on imported cattle of any developed nation? Will the US become a dumping ground for beef from other BSE-infected countries?

We lost our largest export markets because one infected Canadian cow was identified in the U.S. Why would we EVER put our domestic market at risk by further relaxing existing regulations?

If the livelihood of Nebraska's ranchers and farmers is important to our representatives, then Osborne, Terry, and Fortenberry should sign on as co-sponsors of the Resolution of Disapproval so a vote can be taken.

Chris Abbott
Hyannis, NE

"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."