Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska - Announcement
Date: March 15, 2005
ICON and R-CALF Announce Informational Meeting
ICON and R-CALF have announced an informational meeting to be held at Fullerton, NE on April 17, 2005. The meeting will be at 2:30PM Central time at the St. Peter's Catholic Church.
Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON) and Rancher Cattlemen's Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) will visit with ranchers and farmers about current industry issues. ICON Board Members will be on hand to discuss what the newly-formed organization stands for and the issues of import in agriculture today.
ICON's Chris Abbott will speak, as will Dave Wright, Board Member from Neligh, NE. Wright currently serves on the Nebraska Beef Check-Off Council. Korley Sears, who is also on the ICON board, is also slated to attend. Koley's family owns and operates Ainsworth Feedyard in Ainsworth. Also Al Davis and Bob Rothwell, board members and ranchers from Hyannis may be in attendance. Dave, Al, and Bob have all served on Congressman Tom Osborne's Advisory Council.
Issues to be discussed are the current happenings with the Canadian border staying closed to importation of live Canadian cattle; Packer ban on ownership of cattle (where we stand with the Pickett\Tyson legal battle); Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL); and International Free Trade Agreements, the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), which is presently being implemented as a new trade area.
For more information, contact ICON 308-282-2826.
"Solid as a windmill. Always working for the independent producer."